Saturday 11 June 2016

Flooding in the garden and a strawberry plant in a pot

There has been a tiny bit of flooding in the garden. It's been raining so hard in the latest summer storms that the garden isn't able to absorb all the water as it falls and temporarily floods. The water then drains once it stops raining. All the plants are surviving it fine so far, although I'm getting an even larger proliferation of ants than usual. Perhaps they like an aquatic environment.
Also, I put one of my strawberry plants in a pot with the thought that I could use it as a gift.
I originally put it in when it just had flowers and leaves on it. The leaves drooped almost immediately, so I took about half of the flowers off so that it didn't need to spend so much energy on them. It survived fine after a few days of leaf droop (so repot a week before you want to give it away) and is now happily producing strawberries. I had the basket from a plant someone gave me (that didn't survive the position I put it in). The strawberries have been particularly good because the flowers seem not to cause us any allergies.

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