Sunday 29 May 2022

More flowers than veg this year

I've ended up with a frozen shoulder, so I've been doing as little as possible in the garden, as a lot of what I would normally do has been resulting in a ton of pain. This means I've let the flowers (and weeds) take over even more than I usually would. This year's biggest weed is, as ever, rocket. I don't understand the plant. I find it almost impossible to grow from a seed packet, but when it self seeds I find it almost impossible to get rid of. Anyway, here are some photos.

We have so many flowers on the iceberg climbing rose (which I like to call "The Bride"), that we even cut it back a little and brought the flowers inside.

We cut all the leaves below the water in the vase off so that they wouldn't rot in the water.

It turns out that planting a variety of broad beans that can be planted even earlier than most was a good idea. For the most part, the broad beans have managed to produce edible beans before getting overwhelmed with blackfly (like they do every year).