Sunday 17 May 2020

Flowers in the vegetable garden

It's that happy time of year when a lot of my vegetable garden is in bloom. From a distance you can barely see that I have any flowers in bloom at all.
But if you walk round the garden you'll see my bright yellow iris...
...and also climbing roses at either end of the garden...

An aberrant pale pink rose on my white iceberg rose
...and foxgloves...
...and even some of my herbs, fruit and veg are flowering:
Chives in flower
Thyme in flower
Broad bean flowers
Strawberry flowers
Rocket flowers
The bees are loving it and are buzzing everywhere. It's turned beautifully warm outside with more warm weather forecast and so I've taken the decision to plant out my runner beans and French beans on the assumption that London will remain frost free:

It's still a bit tatty in this bed because I'm still growing the kale there for seeds. Because of this, some of my French beans are still sitting in pots while I cross my fingers that I'll get kale seeds soon so I can use the space for more beans. I've also already planted out my sweetcorn. When you put them in, it always seems hard to believe that they'll need the 40 cm spacing the packet requires, but they should start growing pretty quickly.
I've also brought several of my plants that were indoors out to the greenhouse. There's a mixture of plants that will live permanently in the greenhouse and squashes that will go outdoors after I've hardened them off.
I still also have plants indoors, as I repotted some of them. Quite a lot of plants were still several plants to the pot because I had a pot shortage. Planting a lot of my beans out meant that new pots became available.
I also had an interesting experience where several of my maxima squashes died and I thought they were just difficult to grow. What I didn't notice until I moved all the pots was that several of these were in fact growing successfully nearer to the window. It turned out that only the end of the dining room table really near the window is suitable for propagation. If I try to grow plants even a little further in it doesn't work.

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