Tuesday 22 July 2014

Radish harvest

They may grow quickly, but this radish growing thing is harder than I remembered. I noticed that some of the radishes appeared to be getting a bit big, so I thought I'd better pick some before they went old and woody.
It turns out I was late to the party, the two I ate today (two of the big white ones) were already past their best and a bit tough. On the other hand, they were delightfully peppery and I sliced them thinly, so they were still a nice addition to my salad - even though I'd have turned my nose up at them if they'd been on offer at the supermarket.
I think harvesting the radishes at the right time is partly made harder - but also partly easier - by the fact that my radish seeds were a variety mix, all of which seem to mature at different rates. This means that any day on which I pick them, some seem to be past their best, some just right and some not ready yet. The white ones (presumably the White Turnip radishes) matured a lot faster than the rest. They're not nearly as pretty as the pure white radishes on the seed packet either.

I think that may in part come from having picked them too late, but it may just be having grown them in real, outdoor conditions. I certainly gave them enough water, I've been watering nearly every night except when it had rained or a storm was forecast.
I'm clearly going to have to keep an eye on them and pick them when they're ready (I reckon about 1.5 cm in diameter) rather than when I need more radishes.
I think the two red ones may be two different sorts, the packet says the mix is French Breakfast (23%), Scarlet Globe (24%), Sparkler (7%), White Turnip (13%) and Pink Beauty (33%). I think the little one might be the Sparkler radish, as Google says they're the two-tone spherical ones. It looks like oblong two-tone ones are French Breakfast, but I haven't had I've had any of those yet. The other red radish is probably either Scarlet Globe or Pink Lady. I'm guessing Scarlet Globe, as it looks slightly more scarlet than pink, but I can't tell for definite from Google Images.

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