Monday 13 October 2014

Cupboard stew

This is the rest of my carrots, my largest swede, my largest cauliflower (that I ultimately decided was too odd-looking to risk in my stew) and the cabbage leaves from my patch doing the least convincing impression of a lace doily.
Cabbage doing an impression of a doily
After I'd cut off all the slug damage (I promised my other half I'd cut the parts the slugs had nibbled off the cabbage, although, I actually can't see the harm of eating it), I only had 225 grams of veg left for my stew.

That's less veg than you get in a single can. So I had to add pretty much anything I could find in my cupboards to bulk it out. This one therefore also included tomatoes, butter beans and peppers from the freezer.

After seeing how the slugs and snails were using using my anti-butterfly netting to launch themselves on my brassicas from above
I thought it was time to remove the netting.
And already I have a caterpillar.
Didn't see any eggs though, and just the one on its own. I'm not putting the netting back now. I have, though, half mentally written off the rest of the veg (some small hope remains that I may get one or two more portions of cabbage or cauliflower, but it's only small).

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