Saturday 16 May 2015

Tomatoes under cloches after a warning from Monty Don

I was watching Monty Don on the Beeb yesterday, generally wishing I had his huge garden and his dog and the health to cope with both, when I noticed he was warning us not to plant our tomato seedlings out yet unless we live in the far south of the country, as it's still too cold for them at night. Now, London has its own microclimate, but it's no Eastbourne or Cornwall and I had been thinking the poor dears looked a bit peaky, especially compared to the spares still residing in the shed. So out I rushed the next day and covered them all with cloches. I only have three fancy glass ones like in the picture, but they make a far prettier picture. You'll just have to imagine the others haphazardly stuffed into sections of plastic bottles to yourself and cross your fingers they still have enough room to grow until I release them again when we finally hit June (or that the nights are warm enough for them when I panic about cramping their growth and remove the cloches early).

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