Saturday 23 April 2016

Edging makes a garden

I got some new edging last week. One of my neighbours was throwing it out. We're using the same builders and sharing a skip, but the builders (who have seen my garden and have probably identified me as the sort of person not averse to a bit of free second-hand stuff - it's possibly best we don't ask what they formed that opinion from) asked if I didn't want to keep it as there was nothing wrong with it.
So, after a small amount of humming and hawing followed by the discovery that I had accidentally dug my herb beds and rear beds to almost precisely the dimensions of the edging, I now have lovely new edging.
Everyone happy. Less in landfill, more money stays in my pocket and the edging finds an appreciative new home. The only thing is, my neighbour doesn't know I've got his lovely edging. I'm not sure what the socially correct thing to do is: tell him we took a shine to it and kept it, keep quiet, fess up if he notices or deny everything. Or of course the other option of sticking a photo of it on the Internet and telling the whole world the story (well, I say the whole world, me, the other half and a couple of folks who found it before the rush started, but still, in theory the whole world).
Oh, and in case you were wondering about the title, here's the before picture, albeit from a slightly different angle. I really didn't think it would make such an impressive difference or I'd never have hummed and hawed in the first place.

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