Saturday 17 September 2016

Creamy spiralised courgette tagliatelle

I made another recipe up to use up my courgettes and use my new spiraliser (and let me tell you that spiralising is much easier when you don't need to cut down the vcg you're spiralising to fit in the gadget). Anyhow, this is what I did to make this vegetarian recipe, which even the committed meat consumer in the house thought was delicious). Serves 2.
3-4 courgettes
1 tbsp olive oil
6-9 balls of tagliatelle (about 200 g)
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp garlic granules (or you could put a chopped clove of garlic in just before you add the courgettes or leave the garlic out)
plenty of pepper, ideally freshly ground
salt to taste
125 g full fat soft cheese (e.g. Philadelphia)

1. Spiralise the courgettes with their skins on (or grate them if you don't have a spiraliser).
2. Boil the tagliatelle according to the instructions on the pack (probably 7-9 minutes).
3. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a frying pan then add the courgette and fry for 2-3 minutes.
4. Add the garam masala, garlic granules, pepper and salt and stir.
5. Add the soft cheese and stir until melted (about 1-2 minutes)
6. Drain tagliatelle and add to the courgette and stir.
 Tip: none of the measurements need to be precise. I added about half a tub of soft cheese and my measurements of the spices was very imprecise. Add more to the final dish if it doesn't taste strong enough for your taste.

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