Saturday 17 September 2016

Last hazy days of summer in the garden

The sun is lower in the sky now, casting a golden light through the garden. The runner beans are still producing, and have been my second most productive plant so far this year, after the tomatoes. Although they might yet be beaten by the coriander seeds that my coriander plants have produced en masse or by the squashes, which I have finally allowed to run to mildew, having visited Sissinghurst and seen that their pumpkins had mildew too.
Having listened to Monty Don on the subject of young fruit trees, I have cleared the grass and weeds from under the apple tree and given it half a bag of composted stable manure in apology for forcing it to compete with weeds so early in its life. Apparently it's not until later when I should be allowing grass to grow under it to prevent it from becoming overly big. Right now it needs all the growth it can get. As you might be able to tell from the photo, I haven't dug the manure in. My understanding is that organic matter has a tendency to work its way down into the soil even if you just leave it on top, and until then, it will act as a mulch, helping the ground retain moisture.

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