Sunday 24 August 2014

Rocket in flower

Two or three of my rocket plants have bolted, i.e. they've grown tall and flowered.
Rocket in flower
 Mainly people recommend against eating plants after they've bolted. They say they don't taste as nice. In rocket's case its leaves purportedly get tougher and hotter.
Annoyingly, there wasn't much of a gap between the rocket growing big enough to bear the loss of a decent number of leaves and it flowering, so I didn't get very much from it before that happened. I do still have a plant or two at the shady end of the row that hasn't flowered yet, so I may use those for the mozzarella chorizo pasta recipe I'm having later in the week. I'll have to do a taste test at the time, as the leaves on the flowering rocket look a lot more like I expect rocket to look than the leaves on the plants that haven't got that far yet. And besides, the whole point of the rocket in the recipe I'm making is to add a bit of fiery pepperiness, so maybe the tougher, hotter leaves will actually be preferable.

My runner bean is growing well, but I'm still not holding out much hope of a harvest. I walked past our local allotments today and their runner beans had climbed all the way to the top of 6 foot canes already. It may be alright if we have a warm September, but the way it's turned chilly already doesn't make me think that's going to happen. I'm already shivering at night, even with my extra blanket.

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