Saturday 28 July 2018

After the rain

The dry heatwave finally broke yesterday afternoon with a thunderstorm and tumultuous rain. The dustiness has gone. The garden feels fresh. Moisture is still in the air, making it cooler. The earth is damp and the lawn has already started to green back up. The smell of the rain itself has gone, but there is a smell of freshness and vegetation hanging in the air.
After the rain - 28 July
Before the rain - 27 July
Funnily enough, the storm did not completely refill my pond, but it did fill up a fair amount of my two water butts, so I have topped the pond up with my watering can using the rainwater. The pond smells badly of sulphur when disturbed, so something is probably rotting in it. I need to clear it out when I get time.
The reason I was out taking photos yesterday is that my sunflowers have finally flowered! They're facing the wrong way from my perspective, as they face away from the house, but they're still lovely.
They're much shorter than last year because I planted them late and left them in pots for longer than I should have. But actually they're already a good height - well over 5 foot - and I expect them to continue to produce more flowers and grow in height for a while yet, so their relative shortness right now is no bad thing.

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